Portuguese Bend Nature Preserve:

Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy
"Proposed Portuguese
Bend Nature Preserve-- Much of this land is under a development
moratorium because of past and current landslides in the area. The PVPLC
would like to see it permanently preserved as open space (by purchase or
donation) because of its significant ecological importance. The
landowners, Palos Verdes Land Holdings Co. (PVLHC) and York Capital Group
(YCG) maintain that if portions of the area can be demonstrated to be
geologically stable, they should be developable. Applications for a
moratorium exclusion are currently under review by the City of Rancho
Palos Verdes for the PVLHC properties.
21. Badlands parcel (130 acres) - Owned by PVLHC, this is the area
of the active Portuguese Bend landslide. It has been suggested as the site
for a possible golf course.
22. Lemonade Berry parcel (100 acres) - Owned by PVLHC, it borders
the Flying Triangle landslide in Rolling Hills. It is zoned one unit per
acre and contains one of the largest areas of coastal sage scrub on the
23. Crenshaw parcel (147 acres) - Owned by PVLHC, this parcel
includes the right-of-way for Crenshaw Boulevard, which the County planned
to extend to PV Drive South. PVLHC has requested a moratorium exclusion to
develop single family homes on this property. It is mostly zoned one unit
per acre, with a natural overlay.
24. Jack's Hat parcel (297 acres) - Parcels 24 and 25 are called
the Filiorum property. Both are owned by YCG. The Jack's Hat parcel is
zoned one to two units per acre but is in the moratorium area. YCG is now
conducting geologic tests.
25. Pony Club parcel (approximately 20 acres) - Owned by YCG is not
in the moratorium and is zoned two units per acre. Geological testing has
been completed and is now being reviewed. A proposal for residential
development is expected.
26. Three Sisters parcel (97 acres) - Preserved in 2001 by the City
of Rancho Palos Verdes using LA County Measure A funds. The Conservancy
was instrumental in including funds for the acquisition in Measure A,
approved by voters in 1994. This property forms the eastern boundary of
the proposed Portuguese Band Nature Preserve."
Map of proposed Portuguese Bend Nature Preserve
Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy Portuguese Bend Nature Preserve
Brief description of the Portuguese Bend Preserve with a photo